Success Stories


  • Apollo came into care March 2020 after being innocently involved in a dog fight with a roaming pack. His back legs were chewed and shredded.

  • We really weren’t sure if he was going to be able to be saved. However, when he was brought into the clinic, we found out that one of the back legs was salvageable.

  • The other leg was amputated and Apollo did go through some complications, but he had a great foster, who is also a vet assistant, work with him.

  • Apollo was foster failed. He is now finally all better and has a full life ahead of him!




Brosnan (formerly Zeus)

  • Zeus was first picked him up at a community resident's home. The person was feeding him for 3 weeks or more and had no idea to whom he belonged.

  • It was posted on the community's page to find the owner. The family that owned Zeus wanted to surrender him.

  • It was decided to rename Zeus to Brosnan, as in Pierece Brosnan, because his beautiful blue eyes were piercing. He was taken to the vet for a huge gash on the front of his left leg then had a short stay at BBK before settling in at his fosters.

  • Brosnan ended up being allergic to one of his medications so the medications were changed and he recovered nicely at his fosters.

  • Once he was medically cleared, he was posted on our Facebook page and he was quickly adopted.

  • He was adopted October 2020 and now has 2 little girls and a loving couple that adores him.



  • Kola was fostered under our owner assistance program at 9 weeks old in June 2020 for his broken leg, through surgery and recovery.

  • Carberry Vet, Dr North, decided to try splinting the break for 4 weeks changing it every week to adjust to his growth.

  • Kola’s break was on the growth plate of his radius and his ulna, the radius fused, but his ulna did not which means his radius would have bowed while continuing to grow and his ulna would not grow leaving him lame.

  • As a team, it was decided to get orthopedic surgeon, Dr Bebchuk, to look at Kola and see what the next step would be to save Kola’s leg throughout his growth.

  • July 20, 2020: Dr Bebchuk decided to perform a special surgery where he would remove part of the ulna bone giving the radius bone room to grow normally. The surgery was a success, but strict kennel care (no running or jumping) being part of his recovery.

  • Recovery went well and once Kola got his staples out, physical therapy was next. Stretches were done for weeks post surgery to build all the muscle back up that Kola had lost from wearing the splints.

  • Kola was returned to his owner on Aug 21st/20.

  • Kola is still the fun loving, happy boy that I had as a foster...I got to see him in Oct during our spay & neuter program and he has recovered remarkably. - Sherrill
